The Edit Properties button isn't shown in the menu bar. Does that depend on whether the model is editable or what other possible reason could there be?
Hi, the Edit function is enabled when you click on the Modl or entities contained in the Model. There's no particular level of permission to put the IFC model in Edit mode.
HI, BEFORE WE CONNECT, LET'S CHECK A FEW THINGS. In some cases, the software will block the Edit feature due to duplicated PSets or other similar problems (often occurs with Revit IFCs)...
Hi!... That seems to be the case from what I can see in your Screenshot. Would you like to send me your file so I can see if we can "unlock" those entities.
Hi Virginija, I've attached a modified version of the IFC file - Please check your email inbox. You should find everything ready to be edited in terms of properties.
The main issue in your file was that most entities had duplicated IDs and therefore causing conflicts. This depends on the software used to export the IFC model so please be careful that the IDs are Unique.
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