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Fatal Error

User_1141854 2020-07-07 17:38:35

When trying to calculate a Thermal Bridge I get a fatal error saying that 1001 Face has not been drawn correctly. How can I identify face 1001?


Tony 2020-07-07 17:58:57

you should be able to find the face in error under "diagnostics" by doing a double-click on the message.
It should then take you directly to the surface and you'll probably notice some overlaps that are causing the calculation process to go wrong.

If you want, you can send teh File in (zipped and attached here). I'll give it a look and send it back!

Best Regards


User_1141854 2020-07-08 12:38:10


Thanks for your quick response, your advice helped.
I now have an error "1016: Section Length is Zero", I've set the calculation point to line through with the Internal junction. Could you advise on where I'm going wrong?
I've attached a zip file.



Tony 2020-07-08 17:18:06

Hi, and thanks for sending in your file.
The Adiabatic boundaries should always have a length > 0 (see attached image)
In fact, I've set the lengths to 500mm but take a look and adjust it if you feel necessary.

Sent you your file. You can launch the solver on this corrected version.


Tony 2020-07-16 11:54:58

Hi Colin, sorry for the delay, the Ticket got blocked in our system due to a maintenance issue.

Your thermal bridge model showed too many Reference Lengths. To identify the calculation point of the thermal bridge, two lengths should be enough (the others can be zero and any messages that appear can be ignored after running the calculation).

I've sent you a copy of the file with the two lengths that we believe should be adopted.
The results are significantly different from your previous case but in accordance with the input data.

Again, sorry for the delay.


Tony 2023-05-15 10:40:28


There could be some ovverlapping elements in your Thermal Bridge representation or a material not defined correctly.
The best thing in these cases is to send your file along so we can check it out for any modelling issues.

Please zip it and add it here.



Tony 2023-05-22 11:33:36

Thanks for sending me the file.
I've Sent a PDF with some explanations but you need to re-model because you haven't yet defined the Materials nor set the Right domensions. The Wall section seems to be 4meteres in Thickness.

Hope this helps.