Antony | How to get a a BoQ without the Rate Analysis dataAntony 2020-10-13 16:13:39 Technical support queries Request Is there a way of producing my BoQ and Estimate documents without having to show the Rate Analysis details? Answer Yes, you can follow this really simple procedure: Step#1 -> see illustration 1) create a new project from Template using the document creation assistant (Wizard); 2) choose your reference document; 3) select only the 'General Data' to transfer to your new document and click the Finish button; Step#2 -> see illustration 4) open the original BoQ/Cost Estimate document; 5) deselect the Automatic analysis calculation option in the 'Analysis' page under (General Data>Modules>Rate Analysis) in the original document; Step#3 -> see illustration 6) highlight all BoQ/Cost Estimate items in the Measurements Editor in the Source document; 7) drag the entire block of items selected and drop them in the Measurements Editor in the new document Note - when the 'Automatic analysis calculation' option is unchecked, the items of that document will be disconnected from their respective analyzes and, therefore, if they need to be shown in a different document they will be considered as simple items (without rate analysis data). 677_1602598397_img_03.jpg |