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How to display the numbering only that refers to the real items position in the Measurements editor and the 'See Item' reference.

Antony 2020-09-22 17:45:50

Here's another technical support request

How can I show the numbering only that refers to the real items position in the Measurements editor and the 'See Item' reference?

The items double numbering in the BoQ printing is the result of a customisation that generates a different items sorting from the input ('Normal' sorting).

In order to achieve the required items numbering in the BoQ printing, you must disregard your previous customisation so that the items are rearranged according to the input ('Normal' sorting]) order.

The proposed alternative (view the first number in 'See Item' [e.g.: 1/25] of the double numbering) is NOT provided.

With regard to the double numbering [e.g.: 1/25], the See Item always shows the second number [e.g.: 1/25] as a reference number of the 'Viewed Item' which corresponds to the real position of the item in the Measurements editor --> see figure

Note - Double numbering is proposed when:
A- an item's 'sorting' is chosen other than 'Normal' (for insertion).
- General page of the printing settings --> see figure
B - some items are excluded - 'print Selected Block only'.
-General page of the printing settings --> see figure
C - some items are excluded - 'Elements to consider'.
- Chapters and/or Categories page of the print settings --> see figure

Relating videos:
--> How to acquire/link the amount of another item - 'See Item' function