Antony | How to insert a Quantity in the Price List itemsAntony 2020-09-15 17:53:17 Here's great question coming from one of our PriMus users Request How can I insert the Quantity in the Price List items? Answer The'Project' document (Bill of Quantities) is made up of 4 main editors: - the General Data editor, where to insert the project location, the project name, the printouts header, etc. -> see figure - the Price List editor, where the price list items (code, description, unit of measure and unit price) - -> see figure - Measurements editor, where to drag the items in order to associate the quantities /measurements -> see figure - Prints, where you can request the various designs printing -> see figure To insert quantities /measures it is necessary to operate in the Measurements editor and NOT in the document's Price Listeditor. Therefore, if the items are in the document's Price list editor, to indicate quantities/measurements, they need to be shown in the Measurements editor from the Price List Tool -> see figure Note: - Items can be created in both the Price List editor and the Measurements editor. Furthermore, the items can be acquired from other documents (old BoQs, reference lists, Excel files, etc.) and brought back with Drag & Drop in the Price List or Measurements editors. - Insert the created items directly into the Measurements editor, this will allow the user to specify the quantities/measurements. - The items created/inserted in the Measurements editor will be automatically shown by the software in the document's Price List editor - The items to be created/inserted in the document's Price list editor, in order to use them in the BoQ (and associate the quantities/measurements), need be brought back to the Measurements editor using the Price List Tool. |