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Drag & Drop item from price list or Estimate document: the same item is always reported

Antony 2018-07-02 15:52:15

Here's a technical support case that I wanted to share with our PriMus Users

When I drag an item from a BoQ or a Price List document, the same item is always shown

This is caused by the TARIFF CODE and ARTICLE (only if present) of the dragged item (acquired from the reference document) that are associated with an item already present in the document type's price list ---> see figure

In this case the entry is NOT added and the Drag & Drop operation is automatically linked to the item that shows the same TARIFF CODE and ARTICLE (the latter only if present) already present in the price list of document that, in this case, results to have description, unit of measurement and unit rate totally different to the dragged item ---> see figure

This automation allows not having the following inconsistencies in the document:
- duplicates of the same item in the price list;
- different items with the same RATE CODE both in the price list and in the Estimate.

IMPORTANT !!! - please note that the Rate is the code that uniquely identifies a document

Therefore, if there are no inconsistencies in the document, it is possible to assign a different RATE CODE to one of the two items (to that already present in the calculation or to the one that intends to acquire from the reference price list) .
However if there are duplicated entries (Price List editor) and/or different entries with the same RATE CODE (PRICE LIST AND MEASUREMENTS EDITORS) do not constitute inconsistencies, you can remove the automatism with the selection of the option ' Control List Items Equal prices ' in the page 'Drag & Drop and Deletings 'of the Program Options dialog ---> see figure

Note - in this case, following the release of the item in the BoQ (if the Rate Code is already present in the 'Price List editor) shows a message allowing the operator to choose what to do

- by clicking YES , the entry is added even if the RATE CODE is associated with an entry already present in the document's Price List editor;
- by clicking NO , the entry is NOT added and the Drag & Drop connects to the item with the same RATE CODE already present in the Document's Price List editor of the document

This may happen when the price list item tariff codes are missing. In this case, to avoid getting into trouble, please try assigning the tariff code in the Price List editor and to each item