Antony | How can I prepare an estimate with two different solutions in the same documentAntony 2018-04-16 18:41:34 Here's a new Technical Support case for our users Request How do I create two estimate solutions within the same document (for example: 1 thermal insulation solution and 2 painting solutions) and then see the resulting costs with two separate totals without having to create two separate files each time. Answer You can evaluate the possibility of structuring the calculation in two distinct ' Labor Categories ', for example in two 'Super Categories: ' Solution 1 (coating)' and 'Solution 2 (painting)'. This obviously allows you to have both entries of Solution 1... and Solution 2... in the same document. Subsequently, from the 'Categories' page under "Print settings" you can easily select the items to show in a given cost Proposal; 'Solution 1...' and 'Solution 2...'. HOW TO PROCEED #1 - Job categories definition 1) access the editor 'General Data'; 2) open the 'Chapters and Categories' section; 3) select the 'Super Categories' tab; 4) type in, to the right, the Super Category names, for example: 'Solution 1... (coating)' and 'Solution 2... (painting)' #2 - Assigning Work Categories to measurement items 5) access the 'Measurements' editor; 6) open the measurements editor for each item with the 'F2' function key; 7) click on the 'i' icon to the left to open the item details window; 8) choose the Super Category to associate the item with; 9) open the 'Structure' toolbox to show the amounts for each Super Category); 10) access the 'Print...' editor. #3 - Customized printing 11) select the 'Cost Estimate' document; 12) open 'Categories' from the print settings; 13) access the 'Super Category' page; 14) select the only super category name ' to show the relating entries in the document prepared for printing. -> see explanatory image |