Antony | Drag&Drop item analysed from two documents -->the price list includes the elements constituting the item draggedAntony 2017-10-03 16:00:19 I would like to share a request for assistance Request When dragging an analysed item from a document to another one, the price list I drop this item into automatically shows all the elements and/or analysis constituting it --> (see explanatory picture ). How come? Is there a way to drag into my document only the item without the elements constituting it? Answer This situation falls within the normal functioning of the price list. This condition does not affect your workat all. In fact, it facilitates it since it allows the operator to customize the same analysis in the different Bills of Quantities where he uses it, while leaving unchanged the analysis of the item included in the reference document (price book, listed prices, Bill of Quantities, etc.). Moreover, having in the price list the elements included in the analysis of the billed item,you are able to print the following: - the BoQ with the only billed item --> (see explanatory picture); - the BoQ with the billed item and the analysis elements --> (see explanatory picture); - requirements --> (see explanatory picture); - price list with all the items contained in the Editor Price List --> (see explanatory picture); - price list with only the items used in the BoQ(in this case the elements included in the analysis will not be printed) --> (see explanatory picture); - rate analysis --> (see explanatory picture); - etc.. Anyway, if you need to have in the price list only the items dragged without the elements included in the related analysis, you have to disactivate the option 'Analysis automatic calculation' on the page 'Analysis' of the reference document 'General Data' before acquiring the items --> (see explanatory picture). |