Antony | Rate Analysis: diversifying the 'Analysis Data' (%) among the various itemsAntony 2017-09-25 17:14:20 I would like to share a request for assistance Request Is it possible to indicate, for the analysis components (Safety, General Expenses, Company profits, Increase/Decrease), "percentages (%)" that differ from one item of the Price list and the other? Answer With reference to the above mentioned request, it is necessary to personalize each analysis by using the options available in 'Details...' of the view Rate Analysis --> (see explicative image). It is also possible to apply the same personalizations to more than one item at the same time: after selecting the interested items by pressing (key 'Shift' from the keyboard + 'left clicking' on the interested items), you need to open up the dialog 'Modify Selected Block...' and, on the page 'Analysis', execute the personalizations--> (see explicative image ) |