Mechanicos | Capacity designMechanicos 2017-06-07 11:22:39 Where can i find the capacity design option? |
TonyC | TonyC 2017-06-07 18:08:08 The Design Criterion has been left to the Engineers own discretion to allow a higher level of Adaptability of the eurocodes to other calculation methods used in other countries. Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2005), however, prescribes its use for High and Low ductility classes. |
Mechanicos | Mechanicos 2017-06-07 18:27:42 Ok how do i activate the capacity design in Edilus? See image below, this is an image from an EDILUS example video 296390_1496853261_capacity_design.png |
TonyC | TonyC 2017-06-07 18:38:05
See the picture attached: Capacity Design |
Mechanicos | Mechanicos 2017-06-09 09:21:05 Hi, 1. I have activated the Capacity design in the Code Data: Eurocodes. 2. Then I proceed with the full calculation. 3. Then I Click on the Results icon on the right. 4. From the drop down menu i select "Capacity Design" How do I proceed after this? See image attached... 296390_1496993741_screen_shot_2017_06_09_at_101948.png |
TonyC | TonyC 2017-06-09 15:29:22 If you have other slabs or shell elements that converge towards the beam and column nodes, the capacity design verification isn't run by the software. |