LuigiS | Custom shaped columnLuigiS 6/4/2020, 12:11:28 PM Inquiry: How can I create a column with a particular section that I can’t find in Edificius library Answer: To create a custom section column proceed as follows 1. in the left decision tree, click over "BIM OBJECTS LIBRARY" to open the library drop-down menu; 2. open the "USER BIM object library or PROJECT BIM library"; 3. open the "beams and column" section; 4. right-click the "personalised section" folder and choose append -> element; 5. the default software offers a square profile; 6. click on the "Edit" button to edit the profile; 7-8. we can edit the perimeter by clicking on the polylines that make up the profile and add / remove nodes and change in arc. Related video: How to create a section for semicicircular columns Tips - if needed you can load reference drawing, by using the 2D graphic objects (lines, polylines, magneticgrid2D, etc.) or importing a dxf / dwg . - To make the new element available also in other projects, it is necessary to create them in the USER BIM OBJECTS LIBRARY. |