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Changing the size of a 3D Model

Maurice 2017-10-24 18:34:43

Here's a new technical support issue that I want to share with our Edificius users

I downloaded from the a 3D Model from the On-Line Catalogue but I'd like to scale it to the desired dimensions. How do I do that ?

To change the size of a 3D Model simply proceed as follows:
- Select the 3D Model where the model was loaded either USER or PROJECT CATALOGUE;
- Choose "Edit Model" from the "Properties" toolbox;
- From the 3D model Edit window change its dimensions (length, width and/or height);
- Remove the "check" from "Keep Aspect Ratio" if you want to change the individual dimensions without preserving the aspect ratio between length, width and height;
- Confirm with OK to make the changes to the 3D Model permanent.