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How to insert an Animated Vehicle

Maurice 10/9/2017, 4:14:41 PM

Here's a really interesting topic regarding a completely new feature. Read about this new technical support request.

I wanted to complete my Project animation with some cars driving around in my scene. Is there a way of putting some cars or "Animated Vehicles", etc, in my scene.

A completely new feature, available in the latest update of Edificius, now allows you to insert "Animated Vehicles" in your RTBIM scenes. Simply proceed as follows:

1] From the Objects menu select "Animated Vehicle" ;

2] From the "Properties" toolbox select: vehicle "Model", "Animation (parked or driving)" and the animation "Speed";

3] From a "Level" or "3D View" place the "Model" into position;

4] If you choose the "driving" animation, you can now define a pathfor your vehicle so simply define your driving path preferably by using a road to go along;

5] Click "Finish" in the main toolbar (or right mouse button) to enter the last point of the vehicle's path;

6] Now activate the RTBIM View to see your inserted vehicle animated.